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Jason gypsum Board jointly launched the second HiH "Healthy home, build a home" joint initiative (100 enterprises) public welfare action

      On May 18, the "Sixth China Health Technology Real Estate Development Brand Summit and 2023 Housing Alliance Member Conference" jointly organized by the National Housing Technology Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance and the National Housing and Living Environment Engineering Technology Research Center was held in Beijing Manlan Hotel. At the same time, the summit launched the second HiH "Healthy home, build a home" joint initiative (100 enterprises) public welfare action release ceremony, Jason gypsum Board as one of the co-sponsors of public welfare action was invited to attend the ceremony, and with many sponsors to work together to build a new ecological cooperation for healthy housing and living environment, to help the real estate industry "health, quality" upgrade.

HiH's "Healthy Home, Build a Home" joint action began at the 12th International Forum on the Theory and Practice of Healthy Housing held in Chengdu on November 12, 2021. In the context of COVID-19 prevention and control, in order to gather industry consensus and build a "healthy epidemic prevention barrier", Led by the national housing technology industry technology innovation strategic alliance and the National Housing and living Environment Engineering Technology Research Center, and jointly initiated by a number of advantageous health technology innovation enterprises in the industry.

This action aims to continuously strengthen industrial exchanges and integration, promote industrial collaboration through a series of technical research topics and related supporting activities, so that enterprises that shoulder social responsibility and lead the industrial progress of health real estate development enterprises, health technology and product research and development and production enterprises, health housing design services and other enterprises, with the concept of "healthy habitat, healthy life, health services" as the starting point. Actively build a "new ecology of healthy home and cultivate a new pattern of high-quality housing market development".

As the co-sponsor of the second HiH "Healthy home, building a home" joint initiative (100 enterprises) public welfare action, and the representative enterprise of green building materials serving the real estate industry, Jason gypsum Board has been committed to the development, production and application of green building materials, and actively promote the comprehensive utilization and collaborative disposal of industrial by-products - desulfurization gypsum. To provide the society with the harmless disposal of industrial solid waste solutions, to provide the market with reliable quality, green environmental protection gypsum building materials products and system solutions, with many 100 housing enterprises and decoration companies to establish a good relationship of cooperation, highly recognized by industry associations and partners. Jason gypsum Board was one of the first green building materials enterprises shortlisted in the product list and enterprise directory of green building Materials going to the countryside in 2022, and won a number of honors and titles such as the three-star certification of "China Green Building Materials Products", the selected brand of the government's green procurement list, and the excellent supplier of green real estate fully bound finished houses.

With the launch of the second HiH "Healthy home, build a home" joint initiative (100 enterprises) public welfare action release ceremony, Jason gypsum Board as the initiator will also continue to make efforts in the field of green building materials science and technology, hand in hand with many real estate partners, and grasp the new opportunities and new momentum of the post-production development stock era transformation and upgrading. Through the improvement of green and low-carbon, healthy and comfortable, high quality and other performance technologies, we will jointly promote the green development of Chinese Habitat and build a better future of life in the new era.

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