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Jason's new product of the year: The world's first nano active manganese net aldehyde gypsum board is coming!

The new house can not be moved in immediately after renovation
At least six months to be safe?
A house that's been treated with formaldehyde
And then after a while it's over the limit?
The decoration is obviously used in good materials
Why is indoor formaldehyde detection still exceeding the standard?

Facing the century problem of formaldehyde pollution in new house decoration

Sen Long Acting net Aldehyde red board gives you the ultimate answer

      In order to deal with the chronic pollution caused by formaldehyde, ammonia and TVOC produced by interior decoration, Jason and Zhejiang University of Technology jointly developed and launched the world's first nano active manganese net aldehyde gypsum board - Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board.

This is the first time in the industry that nano active manganese net aldehyde materials and long-term catalytic decomposition of formaldehyde technology are applied to the gypsum board core process, which can achieve sustainable long-term decomposition of formaldehyde, TVOC, ammonia and other harmful substances, and the air purification effect is remarkable!

Continuous net aldehyde long-term protection for 20 years

Compared with other reaction consumption of net aldehyde gypsum board on the market, the biggest feature of Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board is the durability of formaldehyde purification. According to the professional aldehyde removal report given by the National Chemical Building Materials Quality Inspection and Testing Center, the net aldehyde efficiency of Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board is as high as 95.3% in 24 hours, and the net aldehyde efficiency is as high as 77% in 30 days. The continuous net aldehyde efficiency of Sen · Long acting net aldehyde red plate will remain between 75% and 80%, and the net aldehyde durability is far higher than other net aldehyde products.

Core black Technology - Nano active manganese

The secret of Sen-long acting net aldehyde red plate for lasting and efficient purification of formaldehyde lies in the nano-active manganese net aldehyde material used in the plate core process. Nano-active manganese is a highly efficient dealdehyde-removing material highly respected by both academia and industry in recent years. The main component is nano-sized manganese dioxide treated by special process, with the size between 10-20nm.

Its special structure makes the activity of nano-active manganese very strong, can quickly activate oxygen and water in the air, generate superoxide free radicals and hydroxyl free radicals with strong oxidation properties, so that it can quickly oxidize with formaldehyde to produce carbon dioxide and water.

Nano-active manganese only plays a catalytic role in this process, and will not be consumed by itself; Active manganese does not require light, does not directly participate in the reaction, catalytic decomposition does not desorption, has strong and long-term characteristics for formaldehyde removal, so it has become the core material of Sen · long-term net aldehyde red plate core process.

Remove aldehyde, clean taste, comprehensive performance

Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board not only has an efficient decomposition ability for formaldehyde, but also has a continuous decomposition function for other pollutants produced by indoor decoration, such as ammonia and Tvoc. In addition, nano-active manganese also has good antibacterial and bacteriostatic effect, which can effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria.

According to the professional report given by the National Chemical Building Materials Quality Inspection and Testing Center, the 24-hour ammonia removal rate of Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board is as high as 95.2%, the removal rate of TVOC is as high as 53.2%, the removal of aldehyde, net taste and bacteriostatic, lasting purification of indoor air, and the overall performance is very comprehensive.

Through the three system certification

As A gypsum board product with long-term aldehyde function, Sen · long-term aldehyde red board has passed the decyclic certification, EU CE certification and France A+ certification, and is a net aldehyde gypsum board product certified by the authority.

Long acting aldehyde system solution

As the annual new product promoted by Jason, Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board has not only made new breakthroughs in material technology, but also provides more options for interior decoration, especially home decoration. Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board lasting comprehensive net aldehyde odor removal effect, combined with Jason light steel keel wall partition, ceiling, wall adhesion system, in order to meet the fire, sound insulation, anti-impact and other functional needs at the same time, but also for the decoration of accommodation to bring convenience and security, compared with new house decoration, less than half a year or a year of empty net taste period, Sen · long-term net aldehyde red board home improvement system solutions, It can realize the decoration and live immediately, without the need for "loose flavor" for half a year, and can also save a considerable amount of formaldehyde treatment costs, completely solve the chronic disease of formaldehyde pollution in interior decoration, and create a healthy, safe and comfortable home living space for you.
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