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The unveiling ceremony of Jason Gypsum Board & Zhejiang University of Technology Joint R&D Center and graduate Internship base was successfully held

  In order to deepen school-enterprise cooperation, promote a high degree of integration of industry, university and research, and promote the organic connection between the education chain, the talent chain and the industrial chain and the innovation chain. On March 27, the unveiling ceremony of "Zhejiang University of Technology & Jason Gypsum Board Functional Materials Joint Research and Development Center and graduate student Practice Base" was held in Jason Gypsum Board Jiaxing factory.

   Yu, Jason Gypsum Board (Jiaxing) Co., LTD. General manager Fan Yuanqing, Jason Gypsum Board (Jiaxing) Co., LTD. Deputy general manager Zhu Xuefeng and from Pinghu City related departments, schools and business representatives more than 50 people attended the unveiling ceremony. The event was hosted by Cheng Chuanbao, Director of Pinghu Science and Technology Bureau.

  Jason gypsum board chairman Zhang Yu speech

    At the beginning of the event, Zhang Yu, chairman of Jason Gypsum Board, first expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the leading guests who came to the unveiling ceremony on behalf of the company, and made a brief introduction to the basic situation of Jason gypsum board, he said: As a representative enterprise in the field of green building materials, Jason gypsum Board has been committed to the technology research and development and innovative application of green building materials products, providing high-quality, energy-saving and environmentally friendly high-end gypsum board system solutions for China's construction industry. The cooperation with Zhejiang University of Technology to build a functional materials joint research and development center and graduate internship base is of great significance, Jason company attaches great importance to this cooperation opportunity, and hopes to take this cooperation as an opportunity to expand the new model of school-enterprise cooperation, give play to their respective advantages, and achieve more research and innovation achievements into the ground.

  Jason Gypsum Board (Jiaxing) Co., LTD. General manager Fan Yuanqing

    Fan Yuanqing, general manager of Jason Gypsum Board (Jiaxing) Co., LTD., made a brief introduction to the functional positioning and development goals of the functional materials Joint research and development center. After good cooperation in the early stage, Zhejiang University of Technology & Jason Gypsum Board Functional Materials Joint Research and Development Center has achieved preliminary scientific research results, will be launched in the near future, the world's first application of nano-scale active manganese catalytic decomposition technology of long-term pure aldehyde gypsum board into the market; In the next step, Jason Gypsum Board will continue to rely on the scientific research strength of Zhejiang University of Technology, continue to increase investment in the research and development center, carry out a series of innovative research work, and launch more environmentally friendly and healthy green building materials products with scientific and technological innovation as the lead.

  Unveiling ceremony

  Subsequently, Chairman Zhang Yu, Vice President Zheng Huajun, General Manager Fan Yuanqing, and Vice Mayor Yang Jinping officially unveiled the "Zhejiang University of Technology&Jason Gypsum Board Functional Materials Joint Research and Development Center" and "Zhejiang University of Technology Graduate Internship Base" respectively.

  Speech by Yang Jinping, Deputy Mayor of Pinghu City

  Vice Mayor Yang Jinping, on behalf of the People's Government of Pinghu City, warmly congratulates Zhejiang University of Technology and Jason Gypsum Board Functional Materials Joint Research and Development Center on their cooperation, and emphasizes that the unveiling of Zhejiang University of Technology and Jason Gypsum Board Functional Materials Joint Research and Development Center is a "new attempt" and a "new step" made by school enterprise cooperation, which is of great significance. Pinghu City will provide a good innovation environment and policy support for both schools and enterprises, Guide both parties to rely on innovative achievements to achieve product upgrades and market expansion, and achieve the goal of complementary advantages and common development. We look forward to this cooperation between the school enterprise joint research and development center, which can further improve the industrial technology level and market competitiveness of Pinghu City, and inject new vitality into the industrial development and socio-economic construction of Pinghu City.

  Speech by Zheng Huajun, Vice President of Zhejiang University of Technology

    Vice President Zheng Huajun stated in his speech that Zhejiang University of Technology and Jason Gypsum Board jointly established the "Functional Materials Joint Research Center" and the "Zhejiang University of Technology Graduate Internship Base", which aligns with the educational characteristics and requirements of Zhejiang University of Technology for scientific research and high-level talents. The cooperation between the joint research and development center this time aims to deepen exchanges in various aspects such as industry university research cooperation, talent cultivation, and social services, promote the better transformation of scientific research achievements into practical applications, and strengthen the integration of innovation and practice; To provide better technical support and product solutions for enterprises, to provide higher quality services for society and the people, and to press the "fast forward button" for the high-quality development of scientific and technological innovation in Pinghu City. I believe that with the support of Pinghu City, Science and Technology Bureau, and Dushan Port Economic Development Zone, Jason Gypsum Board and Zhejiang University of Technology Joint R&D Center will definitely develop more new technologies and products.

  Finally, the leading guests, accompanied by deputy general manager Zhu Xuefeng, visited the Jason enterprise exhibition hall, and the unveiling ceremony of the joint R&D center of Zhejiang University of Technology & Jason Gypsum Board Functional Materials was successfully concluded.

    The successful opening ceremony of the joint research and development center is of great significance to Jason Gypsum Board and Zhejiang University of Technology. It is believed that through in-depth cooperation in the application and transformation of industry-university-research results, Jason Gypsum Board and Zhejiang University of Technology will be able to achieve complementary advantages, promote the better application and transformation of innovative scientific research results in colleges and universities, and improve the quality of talent training at the same time. Effectively promote the technical progress and industry leadership of Jason gypsum board in the field of green building materials.

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