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Jason Drywall launches marketing team outreach activities

      Facing the blue sky, green forest into the sea. In order to strengthen team consciousness and enhance internal cohesion, on July 10, Jason Group organized colleagues in the eastern and central western marketing regions to go to Great American Anji to carry out Jason's mid-year league building and expansion activities.

    At 9 am, the group construction and expansion activities officially kicked off. Colleagues under the leadership of the coach opened the ice-breaking journey, in the "China up and down five thousand years", "speed odd even", "hunter squirrel tree change change change" and other interactive games, the atmosphere gradually became active, colleagues quickly entered the state of activity.

    In the group competition, the coach divided the team into four groups, and after the brainstorming of the team members, the team names and slogans of the four groups of "Absolute team", "Sun Team", "Hunter team" and "Wusong Team" were finally determined. Eager to try, the players took turns to show their team momentum and cheer up the competition of the theme event "Frisbee Carnival".

    After mastering the skills of Frisbee, the group competition officially kicked off. With the promotion of the four competitions of "Catcher", "Frisbee into the net and basket", "Frisbee pile driving" and "Frisbee Nine Palace Grid", the colleagues completed the game in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. In the end, the "absolute team" won the championship of the Frisbee competition by an absolute advantage, and the general manager of the Eastern marketing Area celebrated this wonderful moment with champagne and the morning's expansion activities ended in the passionate celebration of the partners.

    After a short rest, in the afternoon into the key project of this expansion activity - 18 road Bay rafting, although the halfway encounter wind and rain, it does not reduce the enthusiasm of colleagues in the heart of rafting.

    After arriving at the drifting point, the colleagues put on their life jackets and started the exciting rafting trip by kayaking in groups of two. A ship, two hearts, through the fast-flowing waterway, and the waves fight, and the torrent struggle, in the speed and passion to feel the cool spring and wet body scream, all the way through the rapids, through 18 water passes, successfully reached the other side of victory. The rafting trip brought the event to its climax and also left the most joyous footnote for the event.

    Enjoy the summer passion, condensing heart and strength to start again - Jason gypsum board marketing team group construction expansion activities in the laughter of colleagues came to a successful end. Through this group construction and expansion, the team members realized the success and joy brought by "unity and cooperation, the pursuit of excellence", and enhanced the sense of responsibility and belonging among the team members. The partners not only gave play to their own strengths and abilities, but also gained confidence, courage and friendship, and deepened each partner's understanding of responsibility, responsibility and cooperation. It shows the cohesiveness of Jason's marketing team. I hope that in the coming days, our partners can face challenges with more firm faith and high attitude, and gather their strength to achieve their goals and move forward fearlessly.

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