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Jason Gypsum Board 2012 annual VIP customer marketing conference ended successfully

Years are like songs and shuttle, time flies by, and the year 2012 is coming to an end. On December 8th, the Jason gypsum board VIP customer marketing conference with the theme of "Sharing Jason's Love in Maldives" kicked off at the Crown Hotel Jiayi in Guangzhou. More than 100 people, including the company's president, general manager of the marketing center, general managers of various factories, representatives of outstanding dealers, and sales elites from various regions, attended the conference. Guo Yiming, president of the China Building Decoration Materials Association, and Wei Chaoping, director of the Hangzhou Design and Research Institute of the China New Building Materials Industry, were invited to attend the event.


The whole day is divided into three parts: meetings, marketing training, and dinners. The meeting that starts at 9:00 in the morning is grand and exciting under the leadership of General Manager Zhang of the Marketing Center. The grand opening promotional video, powerful speeches from the CEO, and insightful speeches from association leaders all summarized Jason's achievements in 2012 and placed high hopes on the future development of the gypsum board industry. The outstanding dealer representative vividly and wittily summarized the entire process of getting to know, working together, developing, and winning with Jason in their speech, and was full of confidence in their future development.
After the meeting, the time and podium were handed over to Ms. Mei Mingping, a specially appointed lecturer and the first person to train Chinese dealers. Ms. Mei focused on the theme of "achieving high-speed development of dealers through win-win cooperation with manufacturers", with a development philosophy of precise positioning, management improvement, self-cultivation, and win-win cooperation with manufacturers throughout the entire process. She provided vivid and humorous training to the attending dealers, and interspersed them with rich interactive communication segments. The dealers who listened to the lecture all expressed that they had benefited a lot.
The evening banquet after the training is an indispensable and exciting part, with a cheerful welcome song played and all guests seated under the guidance of etiquette. The eye-catching women's crystal electric drum program opened the curtain of the banquet. The melodious "toasting song" accompanied Mr. Zhang's toast, and the atmosphere in the banquet hall was filled with friendship... The lottery segment interspersed with it pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax time and time again. Amidst applause, the guests and customers present successively collected various prizes such as iPad MINI.
Our meeting came to an end on this day, in a banquet of fine wine and cuisine, a light gathering of strings, a handshake and farewell from guests and clients, and a melodious "unforgettable tonight". But who can say that all of this is not a new beginning

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