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Jason UBETt has passed the ENF environmental standard test

      A few days ago, Jason gypsum board sent by Jason Ube (glass fiber surface) high-performance gypsum based fiberboard passed the authority of wood-based board formaldehyde limited classification standard test, reached the highest level - ENF level, product safety and environmental protection level has been upgraded. At the same time, this is also the first glass fiber gypsum board product in the industry to pass the ENF environmental protection grade, creating a new level of safety and environmental protection of glass fiber gypsum board.

      In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people in the pursuit of comfortable living life at the same time, there are higher requirements for a green and healthy indoor environment, and the call for formaldehyde emission limits for artificial panels has been increasing. Therefore, on March 9, 2021, the new national standard for formaldehyde limit classification of wood-based panels: GB/T 39600-2021 "Formaldehyde Emission Classification of wood-based panels and their products" was officially released, and was formally and fully implemented in October of the same year.

       On the basis of E1, the new national standard further refined the formaldehyde limit classification of wood-based panels and their products, and divided the formaldehyde release amount of indoor wood-based panels and their products into 3 grades according to the limit value, namely E1, E0 and ENF. Among them, the specified E1 formaldehyde release limit value is ≤0.124mg/m. Is the release limit value of E0 formaldehyde ≤0.050 mg/m? The formaldehyde release limit value of ENF grade is ≤0.025mg/m. .

      For now, the ENF environmental grade standard can almost be said to be the ceiling of the environmental quality of the plate, higher than the EU E1 standard, the United States P2 standard and the Japanese F4 star standard.

      According to the test results given by authoritative testing institutions, the final formaldehyde release amount of Jason Ube (glass fiber surface) high-performance gypsum based fiberboard is not detected, fully in line with the ENF formaldehyde release limit value ≤0.025mg/m. National environmental protection standards.

      As a representative of Jason gypsum board innovative products, the high environmental safety performance of Jason Ube (glass fiber surface) high-performance gypsum based fiberboard is only one of many performance advantages, compared with traditional gypsum board products and wood flame retardant board products. Jason Ube has overwhelming advantages in board strength, nail holding force (> 900N) and combustion performance grade (A1), becoming the ideal environmental protection product to replace wood base plate.

      At present, Jason Superior high performance gypsum based fiberboard has been widely used in such areas as: In Hangzhou Westlake University, Suqian Jingdong Smart City, Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center, Anhui Science and Technology Museum, Anhui Hefei Cancer Hospital, Dalian Yifang Castle Hotel and many other representative project cases, Jason UBE provides safe, green and environmentally friendly high-end gypsum board system solutions for green buildings and indoor environment with excellent performance. In the future, Jason gypsum Board will continue to actively explore and continue to make unremitting efforts to create a green, healthy, safe and environmentally friendly indoor living space.
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