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Longfor Group supply chain delegation visited Jason Jiaxing factory

On April 28, 2020, Li Xiaohong, Senior Supply Chain Manager of Longfor Group, and a delegation of five members visited Jason Jiaxing factory for exchange, communication, and negotiation on strategic cooperation between the two sides.

Chairman Zhang Yu and marketing and production personnel accompanied the visit and inspection, and had exchanges at the production site.

The inspection team visited Jason's production factory and listened to detailed introductions from the production manager on various production lines of gypsum board, light steel keel, and plastering gypsum; In the factory exhibition hall, the application technology leader gave an explanation of the gypsum board system and application technology, and the inspection team gained a deep understanding of Jason's production process, technological progress, new product development, quality control, and system solutions.

During the symposium, Chairman Zhang Yu gave a detailed introduction to the enterprise situation, development history, system products, marketing coverage areas, strategic cooperation and development of Jason's various factories. Relevant personnel answered the questions raised by the inspection team, and exchanged and discussed the future development of the industry, the application of gypsum building materials in prefabricated building materials, gypsum board system products in more and more scenarios such as public and home decoration.

The inspection team of Longhu Group also introduced their demand and volume for gypsum board system products, and expressed their strategic cooperation expectations. Mr. Li appreciates Jason's products and application technology, full process quality control, and new product research and development. He recognizes Jason's development and market influence over the past decade. Jason's excellent performance and comprehensive strength have laid a solid foundation for the establishment of a strategic partnership between the two parties.
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